End of the first week back in sight!
“Hang on Giles, it is but Thursday. You’ve got a whole two days left!” Gentle reader, I am one of those fortunate few who have forgone salary for a reduced working week, and as a result, Thursday is the new Friday as far as I am concerned. I’ve decided to celebrate by working at home, to further progress the thinking on the Proof of Concept.
The day in prospect is relatively clear at present. I have a brief review of a colleague’s document and estimates to complete and subsequent related discussion. I have a couple of internal European / Global organisation meetings (which I may treat as optional, given other pressures). Other than that, the day will be spent thinking and documenting.
I’ve decided to use our internal social collaboration tool (wiki, forum, activity tracking) to manage the information, as I don’t have time for the overhead of managing a document set in traditional office tools. My first task will be to rough out and create the appropriate (minimal) structure and then to begin populating it.