Wednesday already?
In the office at 8:30, and more reconnection with colleagues, including some musing about the likely impact of a Scottish Yes vote (for independence...). The general consensus was that it would be an extremely busy (for which read lucrative) time for the IT industry, with any cross-border organisations (banks, retailers, employers, goverment agencies) needing to be segregated and/or have entirely new systems set up.
Today's commute listening included the most recent 99 Percent Invisible, which presented the factoid that at least one reason that specialised hospitals (tuberculosis, cancer, and so forth) sprang up in America in the 1800's was that hospitals were measured and ranked based on death rates. As a result, hospitals were unwilling to take patients who were more likely to die. Makes you think about measurement systems and metrics, and unintended consequences thereof.
In prospect for today is a Service Area leadership catch up (HR and strategy), and an informal networking call with the Chief Architects in my area of the business. I've also been delegated to attend another meeting at 9:30 covering a software asset we're assessing for the account. Other than that, I'm pulling together materials for the proof of concept and (hopefully) being less reactive than yesterday!